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PowerPoint Fractal Art

All of these fractal images on this site were created by Emlyn Corrin using only Microsoft PowerPoint.


PPT The PowerPoint files used to create them are available to download, in case you want to see how any fractal was made, or would like to modify it to create your own variation. Just click the PowerPoint Fractal icon (see right) in the description of the fractal you want to download in the gallery.

All of the code used to generate this site as well as the fractal images is available on GitHub.


The fractal images (including PowerPoint files) are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. This means that you are free to use or modify them as you like for your own personal (non-commercial) use. If you distribute them or any derivative works, they must remain under the same license, and you must credit the author.
If you would like to use them for commercial purposes, please contact the author.

The other parts of the site that are not images (such as the text and any scripts used to build the site or the images) are licensed under the MIT license.



Fractals based on a triangular layout, such as the Sierpiński Triangle and variations.

Thumbnail: Sierpiński Gasket Thumbnail: Sierpiński Triangle with rectangles Thumbnail: Sierpiński Triangle with rotated rectangles Thumbnail: Sierpiński Triangle with coloured rectangles Thumbnail: Shaded Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Colour shaded Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Sierpiński Triangle made of circles Thumbnail: Sierpiński Triangle made of coloured circles Thumbnail: Pascal Triangle Modulo 3 Thumbnail: Pascal Triangle Modulo 4 Thumbnail: Pascal Triangle Modulo 5 Thumbnail: Variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Another variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Another variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Another variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Alternating Sierpinski Triangle Thumbnail: Asymmetric variation on the Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Hourglass Thumbnail: Rotated Sierpiński Triangle Thumbnail: Triflake Thumbnail: Shaded Triflake Thumbnail: Shaded Rotated Triflake Thumbnail: Koch antisnowflake Thumbnail: Lace Thumbnail: Fractal Dust Thumbnail: Triangular Lightning


Fractals wbased on a square grid layout, such as the Sierpiński Carpet and variations.

Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet with colour gradient Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet with outline Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet with coloured outline Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet with diagonals Thumbnail: Sierpiński Carpet with coloured diagonals Thumbnail: Inverted Sierpiński Carpet Thumbnail: Variation on the Sierpiński Carpet Thumbnail: Another variation on the Sierpiński Carpet Thumbnail: Grey carpet Thumbnail: Coloured carpet Thumbnail: Vicsek fractal Thumbnail: Coloured Vicsek Fractal Thumbnail: Vicsek of Circles Thumbnail: Diagonal Vicsek Fractal Thumbnail: Fractal H-I de Rivera Thumbnail: H / Carpet Thumbnail: Fractal Castle Thumbnail: Jerusalem Cross Thumbnail: Swiss Fractal Thumbnail: Forest Thumbnail: Copper Sheet Thumbnail: Distorted Carpet Thumbnail: Dots Thumbnail: Fractal Window Thumbnail: Fractal Windows Thumbnail: Track Thumbnail: Goblet Thumbnail: Degraded Square Thumbnail: Fractal mould Thumbnail: Corner Thumbnail: Footprint Thumbnail: Porcelain Tile Thumbnail: Porcelain Tile 2 Thumbnail: Intricate Cross Thumbnail: Rings


Fractals based on a pentagonal layout.

Thumbnail: The Pentaflake Thumbnail: Sierpiński Pentagon Thumbnail: Rotated Pentaflake Thumbnail: Rotated Sierpiński Pentagon Thumbnail: Pentaflake with a gap Thumbnail: Sierpiński Pentagon star Thumbnail: Twisted Sierpiński Pentagon Thumbnail: Sierpiński Pentagon microbe


Fractals based on a hexagonal layout, such as the Koch Snowflake.

Thumbnail: Sierpiński Hexagon Thumbnail: Shaded Sierpiński Hexagon Thumbnail: Coloured Sierpiński Hexagon Thumbnail: Rotated Sierpinski Hexagon Thumbnail: Rotated Shaded Sierpinski Hexagon Thumbnail: Koch Snowflake Thumbnail: Exploding Koch Snowflake Thumbnail: Exploded Koch Snowflake Thumbnail: Snowflake Thumbnail: Hexaflake Thumbnail: Rotated Hexaflake Thumbnail: Shaded Hexaflake Hexagon Thumbnail: Shaded Hexaflake Thumbnail: Purple Hexaflake Thumbnail: RGB Hexaflake Thumbnail: Coloured Hexaflake Thumbnail: Hexagonal Cell


Fractals where all repeats appear on a straight line, with no rotation ("fractalness" is one-dimensional).

Thumbnail: Barcode Thumbnail: Cantor Set as French flag Thumbnail: Fractal Colour Palette Thumbnail: Power Lines Thumbnail: Ruler Thumbnail: Circles Thumbnail: Bubbles Thumbnail: Shard Thumbnail: Jagged Thumbnail: Metal Thumbnail: Slava Ukraini


Fractal curves (such as the Koch Curve and the Dragon Curve).

Thumbnail: Koch Curve Thumbnail: Koch Curve (square variation) Thumbnail: Heighway Dragon Thumbnail: Golden Dragon Curve Thumbnail: Golden Thumbnail: Twindragon Thumbnail: Terdragon Thumbnail: Terdragon Island Thumbnail: Terdragon Nebula Thumbnail: Cesàro Fractal Thumbnail: McWorter's Pentigree Thumbnail: Purple Pentigree Thumbnail: Pentadendrite Thumbnail: 5 Pentadendrites Thumbnail: 5 Pentadendrites (expanded) Thumbnail: T-Square Thumbnail: H Tree Thumbnail: Coloured H Tree Thumbnail: Red-Black H Tree Thumbnail: Mandelbrot Tree Thumbnail: Fibonacci word fractal Thumbnail: Pythagoras Tree Thumbnail: 3-4-5 Pythagoras Tree Thumbnail: Lévy C curve Thumbnail: Coloured Lévy C curve Thumbnail: Lévy C 3-4-5 curve Thumbnail: 3-branched Tree (90 degrees) Thumbnail: 3-branched Tree (60 degrees)


Fractal plants (such as leaves and trees).

Thumbnail: Fractal Canopy Thumbnail: Tree Thumbnail: Tree 2 Thumbnail: 4-branch Tree Thumbnail: Pine Tree Thumbnail: Fern Thumbnail: Barnsley Fern Thumbnail: Thelypteridaceae Fern Thumbnail: Leaf Skeleton Thumbnail: Cabbage Leaf Thumbnail: Flower Thumbnail: Flowers Thumbnail: Bamboo Thumbnail: Mushrooms (closed) Thumbnail: Mushrooms (open)


Other things from nature that are not plants.

Thumbnail: Cloud Thumbnail: Centipede Thumbnail: Mountainscape


Spiral fractals.

Thumbnail: Rainbow Spiral Thumbnail: Flat White Thumbnail: Zebra Spiral Thumbnail: Vortex Thumbnail: Fire Spiral Thumbnail: Golden Spiral Thumbnail: Spiral Blossom Thumbnail: Jack-in-the-box


Abstract shapes that don't fit into any of the other categories.

Thumbnail: Ominous Bubbles Thumbnail: Branching Balls Thumbnail: Angel Thumbnail: Fractal Herd Thumbnail: Cross Thumbnail: Shattered Heart Thumbnail: Transmission Thumbnail: Sheep Head Thumbnail: Lichen Thumbnail: Swirls Thumbnail: Curved H Tree Thumbnail: Fractal Temple Thumbnail: Pinwheel Fractal Thumbnail: Shaded Pinwheel Fractal Thumbnail: Silver Filigree Thumbnail: Mesh


Three dimensional fractals

Thumbnail: Faked Menger Sponge Thumbnail: Menger Sponge (grey) Thumbnail: Menger Sponge (RGB) Thumbnail: Menger Variation Thumbnail: Menger Variation 2 Thumbnail: Jerusalem Cube Thumbnail: Sierpiński Tetrahedron (or Tetrix) Thumbnail: Sierpiński Pyramid Thumbnail: Mosely Snowflake Thumbnail: Sierpiński-Menger Snowflake

Create your own fractals with PowerPoint

Coming soon...


A curve or geometric figure or image that has a repeating structure on different scales. Often it will have a self-similar pattern, which means that the same pattern occurs at every scale.
Fractal dimension
A measure of the complexity of a fractal figure, which describes the way a fractal scales with respect to the space it is embedded in. It is analogous to the concept of dimension in Euclidean space, but usually has a non-integer value.
When a figure can be mapped onto itself by a transformation such as a rotation, reflection, or translation.
A feature of PowerPoint that allows you to insert an image of another slide (or the same slide) in a slide.